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Do your workers handle grease, thick lubrication oil sand dust, carbon black? Kerodex Cream gives the right protection.....

    KERODEX Barrier Cream

Grease, Oils, paints, chemicals, resins, glass-wool, organic compounds, acids, alkalis… Workers in your factory are in constant contact with one or more of these harmful substances.

Imagine the amount of destruction these corrosive chemicals and constant friction (by handling tools and machinery) bring about in the hands
Imagine the amount of time and money lost due to injured hands…absenteeism, Door work performance, accidents…

So,isn’t it time you thought about introducing the KERODEX range of creams amongst your workers? After all it’s THEIR hands that keep the wheels of YOUR industry moving!

The Wonder barrier Cream That works hard to protect hard-working hands!

     KERODEX 50 Barrier Cream

Do your workers handle grease, thick lubrication oil sand dust, carbon black? Kerodex 50 barrier Cream gives the right protection.

     KERODEX 52 Barrier Cream & KERODEX Barrier Cream

This cream and powder act to prevent irritation due to glasswool, fibre-glass, laminated fibreglass dust and the like.

     KERODEX 70 Barrier Cream

For those who constantly handle mineral oils and to prevent excessive sweating, this cream is a must.

     KERODEX 71 Barrier Cream

This is a tough multipurpose cream that builds a protective sheath roun hands that work with certain acids, alkalies, resins, paints, adhesives, industrial mineral oils etc.

     KERODEX 72 Barrier Cream

If your men work with Hydrocarbon solvents like Trichloroethylene, Thinner, Acetonc, Air Turbine Fuel Skydrol, carbon Tetrachloride, Toluene, Benzene etc., then here is the cream they should use to protect their hands against, splashes of these substances.

     KERODEX Light Deflectant Cream

This cream prevents photodermatitis caused by harsh sunlight, ultra-violet radiation, coal tar, during welding operation, working in By-products plants & coke-oven department.

     KERODEX Hand Conditioning Cream

Hard working hands need to be looked after work ensures that the hands do not become dry or cracked. Also cures mild cases of oil acne, oil folliculitis, fissured eczema, athlete’s foot, etc. it’s like a skin tonic.
232, Arya Samaj Bhavan, 2nd Flr., Perin Nariman St., Mumbai - 400 001
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